Make payment to Revoobit South Africa using the details below.

Banking Details:

FNB Bank

Account Number: 62858232516
Branch Code: 251905
Account Holder: Revoobit South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Standard Bank

Account No: 01 389 553 2
Branch Code: 051001
Account Name: GMK Group (Pty) Ltd

Capitec Bank

Account No: 1497137290
Branch Code: 470010
Account Name: GMK Group.

Linked Cellphone: 0611212170
Name: Mr ST Mashasha

Online Payment

You can also make a secure online payment with your credit/debit card, using the following link:

Send proof of payment to: or WhatsApp: 081 427 1390

Thank you and feel free to contact us for more information.

Information Desk

Revoobit South Africa
Tell: (010) 449 1518
Cell: 081 427 1390
WhatsApp: 081 427 1390